Sofy goes back to 16
Publicerat: 2009-08-31 Kl: 19:52:03 | I kategori: Film, TV & Musik | 1 kommentarerÅh! Bästa! Sitter och lyssnar på bästa älskade Moldy Peaches. Så klockrent.
Så flummigt. Så sixteen. Så jag. & jag älskar det fortfarande.
(fråga inte vad min jävla älskling tycker, i detta fall är han mer jävla, än älskling)
Ta bara detta, (läs och lyssna samtidigt)
Just because I don't say anything
Doesn't mean I don't like you.
I open my mouth and I try and i try
But no words come out.
Without 40 ounces of social skills
I'm just an ass in the crack of humanity.
I'm just a huge manitee.
A huge manitee.
And besides you're probably holding hands
With some skinny, pretty girl that likes to
Talk about bands, bikes and
All I wanna do is ride with you
And stay up late and watch cartoons.
Duck Tales, shirt tails, Talespin, Sailor Moon, GI Joe, Robotech, Ron Jeremy, Schmoo.
I wanna watch cartons with you.
Josie and the Pussycats and Scooby Do,
I want you to watch cartoons with me.
He-man, Voltron and Hong-Kong-Fui
I tried to ask you to your face,
But no words came out.
I put on my hood and walked away.
That doosn't mean I don't like you.
And besides you're probably holding hands
With some skinny, pretty girl that likes to
Talk about bands, and
All I wanna do is ride bikes with you
And stay up late and maybe spoon.
Just becase I dont say anything
Doesn't mean I dont like you, no.
I opened my mouth and i tried and i tried.
And besides you're probably holding hands
With some skiny, pretty girl that likes to
Talk about bands and
All I wanna do is ride bikes with you
And stay up late and maybe spoon.
I'm just your average Thundercats ho.
Så varsosoda, Moldy Peaches till er från mig att älska.
Stin, you will love it. Jag lovar.
Fattar inte hur man länkar till Spotify, men sök upp Moldy Peaches där och lyssna loss!
Två låtar ni kommer falla för direkt; Anyone else but you, Who´s got the crack.
(fråga inte vad min jävla älskling tycker, i detta fall är han mer jävla, än älskling)
Ta bara detta, (läs och lyssna samtidigt)
Just because I don't say anything
Doesn't mean I don't like you.
I open my mouth and I try and i try
But no words come out.
Without 40 ounces of social skills
I'm just an ass in the crack of humanity.
I'm just a huge manitee.
A huge manitee.
And besides you're probably holding hands
With some skinny, pretty girl that likes to
Talk about bands, bikes and
All I wanna do is ride with you
And stay up late and watch cartoons.
Duck Tales, shirt tails, Talespin, Sailor Moon, GI Joe, Robotech, Ron Jeremy, Schmoo.
I wanna watch cartons with you.
Josie and the Pussycats and Scooby Do,
I want you to watch cartoons with me.
He-man, Voltron and Hong-Kong-Fui
I tried to ask you to your face,
But no words came out.
I put on my hood and walked away.
That doosn't mean I don't like you.
And besides you're probably holding hands
With some skinny, pretty girl that likes to
Talk about bands, and
All I wanna do is ride bikes with you
And stay up late and maybe spoon.
Just becase I dont say anything
Doesn't mean I dont like you, no.
I opened my mouth and i tried and i tried.
And besides you're probably holding hands
With some skiny, pretty girl that likes to
Talk about bands and
All I wanna do is ride bikes with you
And stay up late and maybe spoon.
I'm just your average Thundercats ho.
Så varsosoda, Moldy Peaches till er från mig att älska.
Stin, you will love it. Jag lovar.
Fattar inte hur man länkar till Spotify, men sök upp Moldy Peaches där och lyssna loss!
Två låtar ni kommer falla för direkt; Anyone else but you, Who´s got the crack.
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